8 years 11 months ago

The Showtime television drama series "Homeland" is back for its fifth season and Noémi Besedes had the chance to play a small but mighty role with Claire Daines, Sebastian Koch and Mandy Patinkin. Season five of “Homeland” is shooting in Berlin, becoming the first U.S. TV series to film in entirety in that city.

Body (DE): 

Showtime/Fox21 strahlt am 4. Oktober die fünfte Staffel der packenden amerikanischen Politthriller-Serie "Homeland" aus. Noémi Besedes stand für eine kleine aber feine Rolle mit Claire Danes (William Shakespeares Romeo and Julia), Mandy Patinkin (Criminal Minds) sowie Sebastian Koch (Das Leben der Anderen) vor der Kamera.

September 28th, 2015